Whoever our students may be, whatever the subject we teach, ultimately we teach who we are.

-Parker J. Palmer

Educational Consulting

The first work of the change agent is to come home to our wholeness, because our ongoing integration is a permission slip for the people we long to serve.

My educational consulting focuses on equitably and inclusively coaching humans to:

  • reclaim their joy

  • move from the relentless pace of burnout to a generous rhythm of work and life

  • co-create vibrant communities of learning that act as humanized practice rooms for people to become more congruent and fully alive

  • build resiliency and sustainability through the integration of self and the grounding of like-minded community

  • model anchor practices that can be used at any point for recentering, integration, and healing

  • learn the blueprint of their nervous system and how to ride the waves of dysregulation back into regulation and co-regulation